a group of people swimming in a body of water near a waterfall

Would you like to host an event?

How would you like to host a Float Sound Bath Sunset Immersion at your home, on the beach, on the lake, or pool side for a moonlight experience your guest won't want to miss? 

Sound bath can promote a deep sense of peaceful relaxation for your mind, body, and soul! 

Sound Healing Meditation participants have reported experiencing:

• Reduced anxiety, stress, depression, chronic fatigue 
• Improved mood & mental clarity
• Lowered blood pressure, cholesterol & balance hormones
• Enhanced concentration, memory & attention span
• Increased energy, inspiration, focus & motivation
• Improved quality & regulated sleep patterns
• Boosts in creativity, intuition & awareness
• Relief from physical body aches, pains & headaches
• Alleviated symptoms associated with grief & PTSD
• Deep relaxation, rejuvenation & tranquility 
• Feeling centered, calm & help clear energetic blockages
• Boots immune system & cellular stimulation 
• Increase blood flow circulation & improve delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells

brown wooden bowl on white textile

Welcome to our website

Discover harmony within your heart & soul and welcome to Heart N Soul Sound Healing, where we use the powerful medicine of sound, music and vibration to restore your body, quiet your mind, and liberate your HEART N SOUL